If you are serious about making big money and quitting your job then real estate investment is a viable career which can help you make your dreams of financial independence real. What’s more, because it is the kind of career that is driven by you, it allows you to slowly ease into it and invest more and more time as you begin to become more experienced, find greater opportunities and allocate amore and more resources to it until the time you are ready to make the transition from part-time to full-time real estate investor.
In order for this to happen you need to basically prepare by honing up your negotiating skills, understanding your own strengths and weaknesses and utilising them correctly when it comes to uncovering prospects and closing deals and learning exactly what type of skills you need to have in order to succeed.
Real estate investment is hardly rocket science. It needs a basic set of finely-honed skills which need to be applied and, as my case proves, almost anyone can do it. Part-time or full-time however it never stops ceasing being an incredibly tough, personal business with a lot of competition and the potential to make a lot of money which means that unless you are prepared to take it seriously and take yourself seriously in the process there is little point in even thinking about starting out.
This is something I go to great pains to impress upon all those who spend time on my courses and attend my seminars. The real estate business has enough of a bad reputation, thanks to exactly this kind of lax approach by a minority of individuals to not really need us to unnecessarily add to it.
Having been in the business long enough to have seen practically every possible permutation of the market (and having made many of the mistakes I safeguard those who follow my courses from) I know both how hard it is to start out and how easy it become to make money
once you have established yourself.
I may now be a real estate millionaire and owner of more than 4,000 apartments across more than seven states but this has not always been the case and many of the things I lecture and teach about are actually the kind of guidance I wished I had had when I was first starting out.
The fact is that provided you are able to plan your course and stick to it real estate investing is one of the most satisfying and rewarding careers you can possibly have.
About Author : David Lindahl, also known as the "Apartment King" has been successfully investing in single-family homes and apartments for the last 14 years and currently owns over 7,000 units around the US. David regularly shares his secrets and experience on the same stage as Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, and Donald Trump! For two FREE copies of his highly recognized newsletter Real Estate Insights, please go to http://www.davesoffer.com/ezine
Friday, 19 June 2009
Make it big in real estate and never look back
ป้ายกำกับ: real estate
Selling you Home
As you ready yourself to sell a house, the first thing that strikes you is the fact that it is not that easy, and you will not find too may takers unless you plan your sale well in advance and take necessary steps to ensure that it is a smooth transition. Like in anything in life, this also works well if you have a concrete plan and execute it well.
As a starter, you need to disconnect yourself from the house as emotional bonds with your home can tie you quite strongly. Remove clutter, make your house free from unwanted additions like personalized wall hangings and name plates. This gives the intending buyer a feel that there are no emotional strings attached to the property. Proceed to give the house a face lift. Doors, windows, plumbing and electrical systems, and even paints on walls have to be taken care of. Along with these works, an initiative to market the sale has to be started. Always have a pre-sales checklist ready so that you do not miss out on any important facet that needs to be taken care of before the house is let open to prospective buyers to check.
Marketing is best done through media. Print media and internet are powerful tools for this. A real estate agent can be employed if you can afford to pay him his commission. Also ensure that an inspector is called to authorize the regulatory approvals connected with the property.
As enquiries start coming in, you can give appointments for buyers to have a look at the house. Once the initial process is done, it is time to look at the financial aspects of the business. Get quotes and scrutinize them. Have personal meetings with those who have quoted rates that you find closest to your expectation. Now, the rounds of negotiations start. These times can be quite tricky as the price depends on your skills at the negotiating table. Always get details of future projects in the area of the property and try to project the area as a to be developed area which can attract big infrastructure investments from corporates. This gives you a platform to bargain for a better price.
Over all, this entire process is quite energy sapping and if you think you are not upto it, it is always a better idea to employ a broker for sure. They come with loads of experience in handling such situations and are better equipped at getting you what you want, in terms of price of the property for sale.
About Author : "Ravisankar" Experience greenery and peace at Gilbert Homes for Sale , Goodyear Real Estate and Gold Canyon Homes for Sale
ป้ายกำกับ: real estate