Thursday 11 June 2009

Real Estate - The Cost of Free Advice (And Can YOU Or YOUR Client Really Afford It?)

Chewing the Cud of Buyers Remorse So we're under contract and everything is going just as planned.

Charlotte NC real estate has continued to stay in the top five market nationally...prices are that of 6-7 years ago...and the deals abound...Lender Larry is on top of things and closing looks to be a walk in the park.

Then out of nowhere, the home buyers get the blues, and worry warts start to appear.

How did this happen? They were all excited just a week ago. Rooting around for the source of the remorse, I find the planted seed.

In their exuberance to spread the word they found a Curmudgeon. Some people like to rain on other people's parade.

Seems that an expert relative gave darth warnings about buying a home and all the supposed evil it brings. My clients acted as if they had watched a horror movie the night before.

Time to right the ship. After an hour of rehashing all the right reasons they chose their Charlotte home and pointing out it's value they began to relax. They said that the whole process had been a little emotional and were sorry about dumping their doubts on me. I told them it happens and that it is part of my job. I also told them if their relative had any questions, they could give me a call.

Is there such a thing as a well intentioned Curmudgeon? Maybe....but they better have all the information before plying their trade.

And the buyers?...did they close? You bet ! Just like in the movies, they rode off into the NC sunset.

So Beware of Free Advise...coming to an ear near you! The moral of that story: If you want advise on buying a home, you won't have to go far. There is a ton of free advise. Its everywhere. Unfortunately some of it may not prove to be very valuable.

There are people who have read about buying real estate, and other theorists, that are quick to pipe in.

Then, there are the well intentioned friends who bought a home a couple of years ago, eager to tell you what to do.

Of course we know family members always know best, although they may live in another state.

There is a reason why we hear this phrase repeated year after year: "you get what you pay for"

Free advise has little or no strings attached, but it can most certainly leave you vulnerable to misinformation, and at worst, feeling the pain of from listening only to Auntie Mame.

So today's word is ..."Professional"

How much does Professional advise cost you say?

The answer is: How much will it cost you, if you DO NOT use Professional Real Estate advise.

So here is my professional real estate advise to anyone getting ready to buy or sell a property. (and it's Free !)

Find a local Realtor(r) who has good credentials. That person will have the knowledge of the local market and the experience to advise and guide you. Going it alone, with post-it notes filled with advise, will certainly risk the outcome you desire.

And if its in my market, give us a shout...Charlotte NC Real Estate!

Stop by our Web Site and Begin your new home search. It will become your Tool Box for all your Charlotte NC Real Estate needs. Claude Cross, Broker/Owner Homes By Cross located in Charlotte NC.

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